The review competition among enterprises of Uzavtosanoat JSC "For providing safe working conditions, improving the aesthetics and culture of production" has ended
The review competition among enterprises of Uzavto...
The aim of the competition was to determine the best enterprise in the automotive industry to ensure safety and health requirements, reduce injuries, improve the aesthetics and culture of production. In addition, attention was paid to the maintenance of industrial buildings, structures, workshops and sections of modern requirements, as well as the creation of favorable conditions for efficient and productive labor.
30 manufacturing enterprises of the automobile industry structure and all the enterprises that are part of Uzavtotekhkhizmat LLC and Uzavtosanoatservis LLC took part in the competition.
Winners in the nominations:
“The best enterprise for providing employees with safe working conditions, for high aesthetics and production culture”
I place - Khorezm branch of “UzAuto Motors” JSC
II place - “SamAuto” LLC JV
III place - "UzAuto Motors Powertrain" JSC
“The best workshop for ensuring safe working conditions, for high aesthetics and production culture”
I place - JV MAN Auto-Uzbekistan LLC
II place - JV “Uz-DongJu Paint Co” LLC
III place - GSTO LLC Andijanavtotekhkhizmat
“The best team to ensure safe working conditions, for high aesthetics and production culture”
I place - Painting team of UzAuto Motors JSC
II place - The brigade of the thin drawing section of the “Uz-Erae Cable” LLC JV
III place - PED Team of the line of the joint venture UzTong Hong Co JSC
All winners of the past review contest were awarded joint diplomas of Uzavtosanoat JSC and the RС of the Uzmetmashsanoat trade union and money prizes.