"Jizzakh Auto" LLC

“Jizzax avtomobil zavodi” (Jizzax avto) yoʻlovchilar va yuklarni tashish uchun moʻljallangan Volkswagen konsernining toʻliq sanoat sikli uchun yengil tijorat avtomobillarini ishlab chiqarishga ixtisoslashgan.

"Jizzakh Automobile Plant" (Jizzakh Auto) specializes in the production of light commercial vehicles for the full industrial cycle of Volkswagen concern models designed to transport passengers and goods.

The company has an assembly plant for the production of Volkswagen and Škoda passenger and commercial vehicles with an annual production capacity of up to 20,000 vehicles per year. The dealer network of the enterprise operates throughout Uzbekistan through a partner network in key regions of the country. Jizzakh Auto offers high-quality professional service, whose customers also have the opportunity to purchase original spare parts to service equipment under service contracts.

Call center: +99871-202-71-71

E-mail: info@jizzakhauto.uz

Web site: https://www.jizzakhauto.uz/

Updated: 2025-02-06