On June 1, the Asaka Automobile Plant of UzAuto Motors held a festive event for the children of its employees, dedicated to the International Children's Day. The plant was visited by about 90 children who also took part in a drawing contest among the children of employees.
Within the framework of the event the children had a chance to make a tour of the plant where their parents work and see their workplaces. The tour, which began in the factory museum, continued in the assembly area of the plant. General director of UzAuto Motors Bo Andersson spoke at the end of the trip and congratulated the children with the holiday. Also all children received memorable gifts and awards for the best works of the contest.
"We organized many events with school leavers and university students. This time we interacted with the children and shared with them the joy and festive mood. We are happy to continue organizing such events," Bo Andersson, general director of UzAuto Motors JSC, said.
At the end of the festive event a festive treat for the children was organized, holiday treats and sweets added to the children's joy, and the prizes awarded to the contestants will be forever imprinted in their memory as their first achievements.
The festive event was organized jointly with the labor protection department, internal communications, and the directorate of the company's administrative service.