On the real estate of JSC "Uzautosanoat"

On the real estate of JSC "Uzautosanoat"

# Region City / District Property owner Cadastral number Full address State registration data
date number
1 Tashkent City Mirobod  JSC "Uzautosanoat" 10:11:01:01:01:0331 Tashkent, Amir Temur St, 13 25.01.2018 11-43/2018
2 Tashkent City Shayhontokhur JSC "Uzautosanoat" 10:10:02:06:02:0171 Tashkent, Navoiy St, 31 12.04.2017 10-180/2017
3 Djizzakh region Djizzakh JSC "Uzautosanoat" 13:1З:04:05:01:0061:0001 Jizzakh, А.Sanoat St, 10 23.09.2021 YK-1708401/895798
4 Tashkent City Olmozor  JSC "Uzautosanoat" 10:08:05:03:02:0127 Тashkent, St. Shifonur, Student campus, 75 19.05.2022 1726280/R-A2693031
5 Andijan region Andijan JSC "Uzautosanoat" 17:15:01:01:02:7484 Аndijan, Bobur St, 73 09.07.2022 1703401/R-A2746490
6 Samarkand region Djambay JSC "Uzautosanoat" 14:02:11:02:01:0613 Samarkand, Tashkent St., 2 12.12.2022 1726273/R-A1875130