Paragraph 1 of annex 2 No UP-154: presence of a separate page for answers to frequently asked questions from the population and business entities about the field of activity, on which answers based on legislative acts are published in a timely manner
Paragraph 2 of annex 2 No UP-154: full publication of regulations on its activities (determining legal status, including organizational structure, tasks and functions of structural divisions and departmental organizations)
Paragraph 3 of annex 2 No UP-154: publish of adopted legal and other acts, including acts regulating relations with business entities, the procedure, timing and cost of providing government and other types of services
Paragraph 4 of annex 2 No UP-154: publish of information on the invalidation of previously adopted normative legal acts within seven days from the date of adoption of the act
Paragraph 5 of annex 2 No UP-154: publish of programs approved by the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan and the Government in the field of activities of state bodies and organizations and information on their implementation
Paragraph 6 of annex 2 No UP-154: publish of information about held and planned public events (meetings, sittings, meetings, press conferences, seminars and briefings, round tables, official visits), as well as other information about daily activities
Paragraph 7 of annex 2 No UP-154: publish of information about job vacancies, employment conditions, requirements for candidates and documents required for submission
Paragraph 8 of annex 2 No UP-154: publish along with draft regulatory legal acts, of information about their development and interdepartmental coordination, as well as links in electronic systems (portal, platform) in which discussions of draft regulatory legal acts were held (project passport data)
Paragraph 13 of annex 2 No UP-154: publish of generalized information on the results of consideration of applications in real time (total number of applications considered, of which “satisfied, “clarifications were given,” “rejected,” “directed according to jurisdiction,” “recognized as anonymous,” “under consideration”)
Paragraph 14 of annex 2 No UP-154: presence of at least ten links to websites on the Internet and to the Government portal of the Republic of Uzbekistan
Paragraph 20 of annex 2 No UP-154: introduction of public opinion research tools (online surveys, blogs, forums, online chats) to discuss issues related to their activities and publication of reports on their results
Paragraph 15 of annex 3 No UP-154: developed and published at least three proposals per year to improve or expand their activities in the field of openness
Paragraph 17 of annex 3 No UP-154: develope and open publication of mechanisms (procedures) for appealing violations of the requirements of the law on openness, as well as information (data of the person responsible for considering this category of appeals, separate communication channels, including interactive methods of feedback, the availability of appeals, the procedure for considering appeals in a collegial manner or at management level)
Paragraph 18 of annex 3 No UP-154: publish of legislative and bylaws in the field of openness, including translations of internal departmental acts into other languages (Russian and English)
Paragraph 21 of annex 3 No UP-154: ability to assess relevance of each open data base has been created (automatic assessment of data, sending queries, receiving proposals to improve relevance, commenting in text format, updating in text form, the number of users who have viewed and downloaded data)
In paragraphs on openness, there is a button “Express your opinion on openness” and by clicking on this button, you can fill out a form on openness and write down your suggestions.