The final of the annual Football League of the "Uz...
The final match of the Football League-2019 between the teams of enterprises of the structure of Uzavtosanoat JSC was held on the football field of the Turin Polytechnic University of Tashkent. The annual Football League has already become a tradition for sports enthusiasts of the automobile industry of Uzbekistan. The League, uniting and rallying workers from various enterprises, has become another reason to get together, socialize and join a healthy lifestyle.
Of the eight teams participating in League 2019, four teams fought for I, II and III places, the winners of which were:
I place - Kwangjin Autosystems LLC team
II place - team of the Turin Polytechnic University of Tashkent
III places - UzAuto Motors Powertrain JSC team
Each team member was awarded with commemorative medals, the Champions League Cup 2019 was awarded.
In addition to the main team, separate teams and players were noted at the award ceremony:
“The best goalkeeper” Akbar Mahmudhajaev (Kwangjin Autosystems LLC)
“The best defender” Sukhrob Islomov (Kwangjin Autosystems LLC)
“The best midfielder” Sarvar Zakirov (UzAuto Motors SKD JSC)
“For the will to win” prize team of Uzavtosanoat JSC
Prize in the “Fair play” nomination team of Avtosanoat Sepla LLC
All those who excelled were awarded memorable diplomas and gifts.
The guest of honor at the 2019 League finalist award ceremony was the coach-curator of Juventus Football Academy, Miha Rodjino, who arrived at the Academy’s Tashkent branch.